Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Good news

Localtreat need to stay holly in this holly month, so we give you a GOOD NEWS. wohoooo :D

Localtreat. SALE start from this weekend!!
yes, we give you some of Localtreat's product in a lower price.
Be ready and start your day with click our official blog first before your facebook's account to get an update.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hello Freakish

In our Vol. 1, we introduced our friend named FREAKISH. Consist of VeeMode, Pixie, Walrus and Cybele. Freakish is a handmade and customize tees and slack.

Freakish is a clothing line made by four idiosyncratic designers that goes beyond THEIR tiny universe. The combination of psychedelic, fairy tale, addiction, and imagination elements in each of THEIR collections reveals the creative exuberance of the mind, liberated from its own ostensibly ordinary fetters. It’s the manifestation of four different type of personalities with THEIR own Freakish minds.